Multimedia system:
Where to?
The federal state or province
in which the
vehicle is located
Entering a POI or address
List with additional
destination entry options
Deletes an entry
Confirms an entry
Switches to handwriting
Enters a space
Switches to voice input
Sets the written language
Switches to digits, special
characters and
Switches to upper-case or
lower-case letters
Enter the destination in
. The entries can
be made in any order.
The following entries can be made, for example:
Select a search result in list
Calculate the route.
You can find further information about destination entry, e.g. 3 word addresses, in the Digital Operator's Manual.
Changing country
Select the indicator for
federal state or province
Select the federal state or the
province in
Enter the country indicator.
Select the country on list
Select the federal state or the
province from
Using online search
Destination entry uses online map services. If the on-board search finds no suitable destinations or if you change countries, the online search is available.
For the destination you can enter an address, a POI or a 3 word address.
Select country indicator
Select the provider for the
online service
from the countries list.
If the on-board search delivers
no results,
enter the destination in input line
Select the destination in the
The detailed view for the route is displayed.